Adverse Conditions and Great Fishing At Ashtabula

 north dakota bass fishing

Corey Haag and Matt Commerford take 1st with big numbers!

It was a cold misty morning at the West Crossing ramp as anglers started rolling in at 5 am for the Ashtabula tournament. In all, 17 boats arrived all wanting their chance at the infamous 20+ pound bags of smallmouth that this lake is known for.

Shortly after takeoff a heavy rain showers started to downpour soaking everything in its path. Although wet and less than ideal conditions existed, all anglers powered through the weather and kept fishing. Fishing was exceptionally good as all anglers brought in full limits to weigh in, most shared that dragging tubes, drop shots, and wacky rigs were what worked best for them.

Weigh-in brought much anticipation as all caught great fish and many were excited to see what their biggest 5 weighed. The bags of smallmouth weighed is the largest our club has ever seen with four limits over 20 pounds and four more that were 19 pounds.

With a commanding lead, Corey Haag and Matt Commerford came in with an incredible 24.94 pounds with their big bass weighing 5.73 which took big bass honors for the tournament. In second, team Bullinger weighed 22.13 pounds, in third team Martel with 21.25 pounds, and in 4th team Blomberg with 20.03 pounds.
-Colton Blomberg


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May 23
1 Corey Haag
Matt Commerford
2 Scott Bullinger Brandon Bullinger, Logan Bullinger 22.13
3 Dan Martel Alex Martel 21.25
4 Colton Blomberg Jamie Blomberg 20.03
5 Ethan Preston Marvin Preston 19.65
6 Justin Kanges 19.54
7 Matt Schnieder Mat Rose, Brandon Hoffman 19.28
8 Ryan Todd Gary Burk 19.27
9 Joe Schultz Naja Schultz 16.95
10 Tanner Mallams John Lancaster 16.14
11 Kurt Hondy Michael Hondy, Roger Price 15.62
12 Drew Morgan Felipe Ferreira 15.14
13 Paul Reinbold Deryk Voller 13.32
14 Michael Messall Angela Messall 13.1
15 Bryan Coble Becky Martillo 11.13
16 Wes Hall Tyler Hardy 10.55
17 Bob Reinbold 10.21




Full Results

Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Youth Number of Fish Big Bass Species Gross Weight DOA Final Weight Place Points Average Weight
Corey Haag
Matt Commerford
5 5.73 SMB 23.94 0 23.94 1 100 4.79
Scott Bullinger Brandon Bullinger Logan Bullinger 5 4.6 SMB 22.13 0 22.13 2 99 4.43
Dan Martel Alex Martel 5 4.57 SMB 21.25 0 21.25 3 98 4.25
Colton Blomberg Jamie Blomberg 5 5.18 SMB 20.03 0 20.03 4 97 4.01
Ethan Preston Marvin Preston 5 4.02 SMB 19.65 0 19.65 5 96 3.93
Justin Kanges 5 4.57 SMB 19.54 0 19.54 6 95 3.91
Matt Schnieder Mat Rose
Brandon Hoffman
5 SMB 19.28 0 19.28 7 94 3.86
Ryan Todd Gary Burk 5 SMB 19.27 0 19.27 8 93 3.85
Joe Schultz Naja Schultz 5 4.12 SMB 16.95 0 16.95 9 92 3.39
Tanner Mallams John Lancaster 5 SMB 16.14 0 16.14 10 91 3.23
Kurt Hondy Michael Hondy Roger Price 5 3.97 SMB 15.62 0 15.62 11 90 3.12
Drew Morgan Felipe Ferreira 5 SMB 15.14 0 15.14 12 89 3.03
Paul Reinbold Deryk Voller 5 SMB 13.32 0 13.32 13 88 2.66
Michael Messall Angela Messall 5 SMB 13.1 0 13.1 14 87 2.62
Bryan Coble Becky Martillo 5 SMB 11.13 0 11.13 15 86 2.23
Wes Hall Tyler Hardy 5 2.76 SMB 10.55 0 10.55 16 85 2.11
Bob Reinbold 5 SMB 10.21 0 10.21 17 84 2.04

Biggest Bass 5.73
Biggest Bag 23.94
Average Fish Weight 3.38
Average Fish Weighed 5
Total Pounds Weighed 287.25
Total Fish Weighed 85
Number of Boats 17
Number of Fishermen 35
Anglers W/Zero 0


Tournament Pictures

Winners Circle - Top 5

Corey Haag & Matt Commerford

Team Bullinger

Alex & Dan Martel

Colton & Jamie Blomberg

Ethan & Marvin Preston

Mat Rose , Matt Schneider

Ryan Todd & Gary Burks

Joe & Naja Schultz

Tanner Mallams & John Lancaster

Roger Price, Michael & Kurt Hondy

Drew Morgan, Felipe Ferarria

Paul Reinbold & Deryk Voller

Mike & Angela Messall

Bryan Cobble

Tyler Hardy & Wes Hall
badlands bass bandits tournament schedule bass fishing north dakota












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